Chapter 5th of the Month Report

Setting Chapter Goals

About DECA's Non-Competitive Conferences

Perkins - CTE Funding Resource

Century, Diamond, and Epic Chapters

Alumni & Professional Membership Information

Competitive Event Student Testimonials

Resources for Written/Prepared Events

This page is currently under rennovations. Please check back soon for updates and information.



Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

operations research events

Professional Selling + Consulting Events

Project Management Events

entrepreneurship events


Selling and Consulting Events

Financial Consulting (FCE)
(SAMple competitive event page, all events coming soon)

For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a financial consultant to a local bank.

The bank is looking to close some of its brick-and-mortar locations and transition more of its services to an online/virtual platform. The bank is seeking your recommendation on what services could be transitioned to an online-only banking platform without compromising customer service to its customers.

Related Resources:

Competitive Events Update

Get a head start on the 2022-2023 competition season with DECA's competitive topics and resources for business operations research, professional selling, hospitality and tourism professional selling and financial consulting.


The 2022-2023 topic for each career category is to research an existing business’s website, products, and/or services and develop a strategic plan to adopt a hyper-personalization approach.

Today companies are tracking and collecting large amounts of customer data and are using artificial intelligence to determine patterns within the data to simulate a customer’s thought process. Consumers have raised concerns about privacy and ethics in regards to this type of data collection. Participants will develop a strategic plan to enhance and improve the company’s existing products and/or services by incorporating this approach and addressing consumer concerns.


For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a financial consultant to a local bank or credit union.

The bank or credit union is looking to close some of its brick-and-mortar locations and transition more of its services to an online/virtual platform. The bank or credit union is seeking your recommendation on what services could be transitioned to an online-only banking platform without compromising customer service to its customers.


For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a sales representative for a technology firm that specializes in touchless technology integration.

A local amusement park owner has scheduled a meeting with you to discuss how to implement touchless customer options and learn about the types of products that can be integrated into their company to benefit their business.


For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a sales representative of a virtual human resource firm that specializes in employee accountability.

Since the pandemic, the company is allowing workers to work remotely and is looking for a solution to hold employees accountable for their workload. The chief operations officer of a major company has scheduled a meeting with you because he/she is interested in using your services to ensure accountability in the virtual workplace.


Related Resources:

DECA Presentations

Click on the presentation name above to jump to that section.



What does this presentation include?

*The Google Slides and PowerPoint versions each have presentation notes in the notes section of each slide*




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?

DECA's Written Event Guidelines - Printout Versions

ICDC Special Academy Allocations

Competitive Event Allocations


Each Chapter/ Marketing Education teacher unit may have TWENTY FIVE (25) total entries, in any combination, in the following events:

Principles of Business Administration Events (must be the first year on a DECA Roster)

PBM Principles of Business Management and Administration
PFN Principles of Finance
PHT Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
PMK Principles of Marketing

Individual Series Events

ACT Accounting Applications Series
AAM Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series
ASM Automotive Services Marketing Series
BFS Business Finance Series
BSM Business Services Marketing Series
ENT Entrepreneurship Series
FMS Food Marketing Series
HLM Hotel and Lodging Management Series
HRM Human Resources Management Series
MCS Marketing Communications Series
QSRM Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series
RFSM Restaurant and Food Service Management Series
RMS Retail Merchandising Series
SEM Sport and Entertainment Marketing Series

Integrated Marketing Campaign

IMCE Integrated Marketing Campaign - Event
IMCP Integrated Marketing Campaign - Product
IMCS Integrated Marketing Campaign - Service

Professional Selling Events

FCE Financial Consulting
HTPS Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling
PSE Professional Selling Event Personal

Financial Literacy Event

PFL Personal Financial Literacy

Each Chapter/ Marketing Education teacher unit may enter ELEVEN (11) teams, in any combination, in the following events:

Business Operations Research Events

BOR Business Services Operations Research Event
BMOR Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event
FOR Finance Operations Research Event
HTOR Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event
SEOR Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research Event

Entrepreneurship Events

EIP Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan
ESB Entrepreneurship Start-Up Business Plan
EIB Entrepreneurship Independent Business Plan
EFB Entrepreneurship Franchise Business Plan
IBP International Business Plan
EBG Entrepreneurship Business Growth Plan

Each Chapter/ Marketing Education teacher unit may enter EIGHT (8) teams, in any combination, in the following events:

Team Decision Making Events

BLTDM Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making Event
BTDM Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event
ETDM Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making Event
FTDM Financial Services Team Decision Making Event
HTDM Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Event
MTDM Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event
STDM Sports & Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event
TTDM Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making Event

Each Chapter/ Marketing Education teacher unit may enter SIX (6) total teams, in any combination, in the following events:

Project Management Events

PMBS Business Solutions Project
PMCD Career Development Project
PMCA Community Awareness Project
PMCG Community Giving Project
PMFL Financial Literacy Project
PMSP Sales Project


Related Resources: