What does the Official DECA Elevate Booklet include?

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What does the chapter goals worksheet look like?
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Serving as an officer for your DECA chapter is an honor and a big responsibility. As an officer, you will be expected to be a representative, leader, and role model in your chapter, but are you #ReadyForIt? In order to be the best chapter officer you can be, here are a few key points to keep in mind.
1. Communicate with your officer team:
Communication is imperative for a functioning officer team. Scheduling regular officer meetings to discuss campaign progress and to plan for chapter meetings is important in ensuring success for your chapter.
2. Communicate with your chapter members:
An effective way of staying in touch with your chapter members is to be active on your chapter’s social media. Posting about meetings and chapter activities on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, is a great way to communicate with your members and have them engage with your chapter online. Creating a Remind101 to send out reminders about meeting dates and deadlines is another great way to communicate directly with your members.
3. Communicate with your district officers:
Communicating with your district officers allows you to know what is happening in Texas DECA and international DECA. If your district officers are holding monthly president’s council meetings, having a chapter representative present at the meetings is important in making sure your chapter is up to date with what is happening on the district, state, and international level.
4. Encourage your members:
Encourage your members to be active in your chapter by participating in community service and competition. If they have any questions, make sure they know that they can come to you for answers. Strive to provide your members with competition resources, found on the Texas DECA website, to increase your chapter’s competitive success.
5. Be passionate:
Odds are that if you are a DECA officer, it is because you love DECA! Share this passion you have for this amazing organization with your friends and peers so that they might join DECA and develop the same passion! This will boost the overall morale of your chapter because people will be excited to compete and participate in DECA events.
6. Serve as a role model:
As an officer, you are representing your chapter, district, Texas DECA, and DECA in general! Always put forth your best effort in everything you do. Be honest, committed, confident, and responsible.
These were just a few points to consider as a chapter officer, but remember to always go above and beyond to serve your chapter to the best of your abilities! Good luck this year, and may your successes be limitless!
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Phone (Monday - Friday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm) - (817) 900-8037
Address: 6642 N. Riverside Dr. #610, Fort Worth, Texas 76137