Dear Michael,
This is Michael from the future and I wanted to give you some thoughts as you join DECA.
It’s going to be an incredible journey, but I want to kind of give you some tips in order for you to maybe handle the speedbumps a little better. Try to be more confident in yourself. When you compete, make sure to give it everything and leave no stone unturned. I think up until now, being bullied, all the different things that went on through school really held you back. Pull your shoulders back, have your head held high, and have confidence because you deserve to be here no matter what everyone else says. Positivity is everything. There will be low moments. And about last year, make sure everyone wakes up for the bus and to keep track of your presentation supplies.
When you have those difficult moments, I know how it feels. But this far ahead in the future, I can tell you that everything will be all right. I realize that you can’t change the past. All you can do is change the future. There will be times where things didn’t go our way. You have to do double for them to not have an excuse to take that away from you, but remember you’re the best person to believe in. Your DECA family will be there for you. And there’s nobody that will be there to fight your corner as much as them.
DECA will bring many tears to your eyes- some of sadness and defeat (not becoming district president, missing finals awards, and messing up your ICDC presentation) but many of disbelief and happiness (visiting universal and Disneyland, being elected district 4 vice president, and going on stage for top-10 at ICDC) You’ll never believe that the first year, 2017, you will go to ICDC. There might’ve been better speakers and writers but nobody could’ve out-prepared you. Even though you had every intention to become a dentist or baker in the future, you’re going to learn so much and have a great time competing in Restaurant and Food Service Management and Learn and Earn Project.
You’re going to learn so much about business and DECA along the way but more importantly learn about yourself and those around you. You’re going to make a lot of great relationships along the way. I’d just say to take your time and make some time for yourself. But dude, live it up, live it to the fullest. You’ll meet so many great people- Patrick, Naqeeb, Ishaan, Alamin, Peyton, Anthony, Chris, Harrison, Hayden, Matt, Tianhui, Bhavya, Omar, Zaid, Kevin, Karim, and Andrew. They will introduce you to so many amazing things and change the way you view the world. There’s so many opportunities and possibilities ahead. There’s so much potential in you- more than anyone else you’re competing against. Give it everything.
Best Regards,
Related Resources:
We all know what’s coming up…. Power Trips and Educational Development Conferences! Hands up if you are ready! DECA provides three types of competitions : Leadership, Career Pathway and Career Development conferences. If this is your first, second, third or even tenth, I suggest you get ready for an extraordinary trip.
Explore: Get ready to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people and explore the city! It not very often you have the chance to fly out to a new state, and experience new places and people with your DECA chapter so be #Limitless and take advantage of these opportunities. DECA conferences provide chances to learn new tips, ideas and pivotal information to help you in competition and the business world.
Learn: These conferences are developed to inspire, promote leadership, and educate! Workshops and seminars are going on throughout the conference covering many topics that will help you for the future. From workshops teaching you how to write a business plan, how to prepare for a role play, to helping you speak more eloquently and how to ace professionalism and etc. These seminars have you covered! So don’t feel overwhelmed, choose a development workshop that best fits your needs!
Expect: These conferences are held in some of the most unique cities and atmospheres you will ever encounter. At conference, you will be engaging in all sorts of DECA-tastic activities you may have never thought about being a part of nor ever knew existed. As a student you will be immersed with a lot of information that will help prepare you for your future, but don’t let that scare you! Instead, take advantage of it and expect that you will leave the conference future ready! With a “go-getter” mentality you are destined to take advantage of every moment at conference.
Remember expand your horizons and don’t be shy to be outside of the box. Enjoy yourself and your trip, good luck!
For more information about DECA Conferences go to : https://www.deca.org/high-school-programs/high-school-educational-conferences/
Related Resources:
If you spend every day after a conference wishing you were back in that moment, you’re not alone! I’ve been fortunate enough to attend my district and state career and development conference, but my absolute favorite has been the one and only ICDC! For most (if not all) non-DECA members, ICDC sounds like a strange code word or an element on the periodic table. Though, anyone in DECA can assure them that it’s not. In fact, it’s the BEST conference ever. Here’s the proof:
1. You get to meet people from all 50 states AND from other countries! There are 19,000 other DECA-lovers like you to meet, and this is your chance. You get to come back home and brag about how you’re now friends with people from North Carolina and California.
2. Pin trading is a blast! It’s a fun way to collect tokens from other places while meeting those new people I talked about in #1. Once you start trading, you’ll never stop.
3. Attractions are everywhere! Last year in Anaheim, chapters spent their free time at Universal or Disneyland or Downtown Disney or anywhere else because the city had so much to do!
4. The #DECAHYPE is real at Grand Awards when you see your friends or other Texas teams place top 10 in the world! It’s a big deal, and it’s such a lively environment to be in.
5. Competing at the international level is not just an honor but it’s its own experience. You are beside only the select few from across the world who have the opportunity of a lifetime to snatch #DECAGlass, and those who really want it will show it.
In all, ICDC is like no other conference because of its scale and the environment. It’s the prime opportunity to network, to compete, and (of ) course to have fun!
Related Resources:
Professionals in our school, community and state sometimes may not be as tech savvy as those of us in high school. When seeking out to possible professional members, you should tell them ways that they can benefit from becoming a professional member. Having events specifically for your professional members is a great to make them feel special and be more than excited to join the next year!
Many professional members can consist of business owners, meaning they need to know how to market to those who use the most powerful marketing weapon—social media. Hosting “Social Media Training” for these professional members can make them excited that you can teach them something you’re a professional at. Teaching them about ads on social media platforms, custom filters on snapchat, when the perfect time to post on social media and websites such as Hootsuite.
Inviting professional members to your District CDC helps them understand what DECA is about and experience the passion many students have for this organization. Professional members could judge at your District CDC or just help with checking people into their event. If they decide to help in any way, make sure to give them a thank you note or a nice little gift.
If your chapter does partnerships or sponsorships with different businesses in your area you can sign them up as professional members as part of that benefit so that they get DECA Direct articles and find out more about the organization.
REMEMBER: Professional members can be anyone; moms, dads, teachers or any adult that would like to be a part of DECA. It is important that we keep professional membership in mind to reach 15 by the 15th for 15K!
Related Resources:
Recruiting members can be difficult, but it seems to be more difficult when it is adults. Professional members and alumni members are a phenomenal resource when it comes to creating a successful chapter. They count towards your chapter’s overall membership and they provide monetary support. When beginning your search for these members, start simple. Ask your parents and other family members, friends of your family, your boss, etc. By beginning with people you know, you will get more comfortable doing it.
The best way to convince someone to do something for you is to tell them what it will do for them. First of all, paying the membership dues are considered a donation and can be used for tax write-offs. Second, if it is a business, they can advertise to customers that they invest in the youth by supporting the local DECA chapter. And third, they will receive a really cool DECA sticker.
Another idea is to put together packages for different levels of donations. Potential sponsorship packages ideas are on the the Texas DECA website under chapter management resources. Additionally, there are editable letters to send to those who you are trying to recruit to be a professional or alumni member. (Side note, if you ever need assistance with something, check the website because there are so many helpful articles and resources!)
The most important thing in this is for the student members to be doing the work not the advisors. It looks a lot better to businesses when they see that the people they are investing in care enough about DECA to be seeking more support.
Also, let the new members know they can be as little or as much involved as they wish to be, keep them updated on what is happening in your chapter, and be sure to thank them (a nice letter or some yummy cookies will definitely let them know they are appreciated)! Happy recruiting!
Related Resources:
Find editable meeting and recruitment flyers, editable Canva templates for social media posts, editable chapter certificates, and Texas DECA logos and branding guidelines.
Related Resources:
Phone (Monday - Friday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm) - (817) 900-8037
Address: 6642 N. Riverside Dr. #610, Fort Worth, Texas 76137