Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - Summer Competition Preparation - Prepared Events


By Shivani Kondubhatla, State Vice President

Westwood High School


With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to get a headstart on preparing for your DECA Prepared Event. The prompts are out (for the applicable events), and DECA+ is filled with great  samples and resources to look through and get some inspiration. Here are a list of a few tips and tricks to make sure that you are ready to go for when DECA season officially starts: 

  • Choose Something You’re Passionate About

Winning the coveted glass or making it to ICDC does not always come from choosing “easier” events, but rather ones that you are genuinely interested in. Summer is the perfect time to find the right event for you. Is there a social issue that you are very passionate about? Maybe Project Management is the way to go. Do you like to research and collaborate with local businesses? Then consider Operations Research. Here is a great resource to help you discover what event you want to do. But whatever you choose, make sure that you genuinely are interested in it and can write a report/make a presentation on it! 


  • Make a Game Plan for the School Year 

When school’s in session, it can get pretty hectic balancing schoolwork with your DECA project. Your life will be 10x easier if you make a checklist right now of what you want to accomplish each month to ensure your DECA project gets completed. My partners and I competed in Operations Research, and we created a strict schedule that we followed throughout the year. We made sure to reach out to local businesses and do more research on the prompt in August, and we finished conducting our research in September-October. Here are some great timelines to follow if you need help making your game plan.

  • Research, Research, Research

Summer is the perfect time to really understand your event and the business acumen you need to acquire. For the events with prompts, this article has so many links to further understand your prompt and brainstorm. If you are doing an Entrepreneurship event, for example, be sure to be very familiar with financials, different markets, etc. If you aren’t too confident with these, then start learning about it right now! Judges can tell if you know what you’re talking about, be it while judging your report or your presentation, so do lots of research now! It’s also a great time to start looking at other’s reports/presentations, which can be found on DECA+. You can get a good idea of what to implement, things that worked, etc. (but make sure not to copy or plagiarize their work!)   

  • Start Writing or Making Your Presentation

If you’re feeling very productive this summer, you can even get started on your actual report or presentation. You want to become best friends with your event’s guidelines, which can be found on DECA+. Use that as the blueprint of your report, and start outlining and writing your report on Google Docs or Word. Don’t worry about graphics or making your report look pretty just yet — just focus on the content and remember it’s just the beginning. Take your time! Check out this written event guide for more assistance.

 We hope these tips help you get started on your prepared event this summer. Good luck!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - 2023-2024 DECA Rewind


By yashitha chunduru, State President

Coppell High School


No three words describe the 2023-2024 DECA year better than “Experience the difference.” From serving as a District Vice President to running for State Office, this past year has been an absolute roller coaster of an experience!

As a District Officer...

As one of the District 11 Vice Presidents, I had a huge role in a lot of the district-wide events that we hosted. We had our Fall Leadership Conference in October and had to plan what information we would present to chapter officers and in what manner we would present that information. At FLC we also got to kick off our district community service project. After months of planning and promoting the professional clothing drive, we were able to collect over six hundred pieces of professional clothing including blazers, belts, slacks, shirts, and shoes.

A couple of weeks later, D11 hosted its first Mock DECA Competition in years. Not only did we offer insightful feedback through competition, but we also distributed the professional clothes we collected to ensure that the students in D11 would have clothes to compete in at District CDC. These clothes would go on to help with interviews, internships, and jobs.

A few weeks later, we had a Feed My Starving Children Volunteer Day where different chapters joined the D11 Officer team throughout the day to package meals for kids in need. We ended up helping a total of one hundred eighty-seven kids for a year. This was a great team bonding activity and we had an amazing day filled with fun competition and helping others!

In January, District CDC came despite snowy days and somewhat iced-up roads. Between competing, running for District Office a second time, and helping run the conference smoothly, there wasn’t a lot of free time. However, I still enjoyed seeing so many faces in person after a year of PCMs!

As a Competitor...

Alongside planning events and community service projects, the grind of preparing for my competitive event began. This year, I competed in Business Services Marketing, which is an individual series role-play event. Most of October and November was spent taking practice tests, looking through marketing related vocabulary, and looking through explanations on answer keys.

After taking my Marketing Cluster Exam, I had a little over a month to practice pole plays and look through different performance indicators. I practiced with different family members and with a couple of my friends that I practiced with the last couple of years. At District, I was announced as a state qualifier which meant that I had about two weeks to continue studying for testing. The state exam is considered to be harder than the district exam which meant that the two weeks were spent doing as many old exams as possible.

After testing, I had about two weeks to practice my role plays once again and make them ICDC qualifier-worthy. At State CDC in February, I competed alongside other Texas DECA members and was announced as an ICDC Qualifier. From after State CDC right up to ICDC, I mostly worked on studying for the exam. I knew testing was where I was weaker, so that’s where I ended up putting most of my focus. I did more role play prep once we entered April.

At ICDC, I tested and did my two preliminary role plays. On the morning of the Achievement Awards Ceremony, I waited nervously to hear whether I would get to compete again as a Top 20 Finalist for my event. When they announced the blue ribbon medallion winners for BSM, my name was called and I got to compete once again!

Unfortunately, I didn’t win a glass or be announced as a top-ten winner, but I learned a lot through competing as a finalist, and I hope I get farther in the 2024-2025 DECA year!

As a State Officer...

After campaigning, being interviewed, being tested, and running alongside nineteen other candidates, Texas DECA’s Team 79 State Officers were announced at the awards session on the last day of State CDC. I was elected President, and my term pretty much kicked off from there.

Our first conference was the Texas Leadership Summit, where the District Officers were teamed up. This took place at the Kalahari Resort, and there were many fun icebreakers we did to get to know each other. I loved seeing the rest of my team in person and finally getting a chance to meet some of the new District Officers!

A month after TLS came ICDC in Anaheim, California. At ICDC, I loved trading pins and meeting members from across the world! I also enjoyed networking with other state officers at the Parade of Flags and the State Officer Luncheon.

As a State Officer, I helped with registration and attended different voting delegate sessions when I wasn’t busy competing. I got to sit in caucuses with the executive officer candidates and talk to them at the meet and greet!

The 2023-2024 DECA year was incredible for me and I hope it was for you as well! I can’t wait to see all of Texas DECA’s accomplishments and the memories made in the 2024-2025 DECA year!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - Summer To-Do List


By Mariyam Khazi, District 5 Vice President

Round Rock High School


Destination: DECA Success 2024-2025!

Travel Dates: May - August

The DECA To-Do List:

  • Select your event!

  • Start preparing for your event: whether this be studying for your cluster exam or starting your written event paper!

  • If you’re serving as a chapter/district officer, schedule meetings with your team to plan for the 24-25 competitive school year!

  • Keep up with your District! Attend socials that the District may be hosting. Network!


  • Finding a part-time job can help cure the annual summer boredom! Consider: ice cream stores, tutoring centers, lifeguarding, restaurants, etc.

  • Look into internships for your desired career field: visit LinkedIn and other job sites to find opportunities. 

  • Apply! Apply! Apply! The worst response you can get is a no, and the more chances you take, the better results you will get!

  • Cold email/call! There’s no harm in reaching out to get information about potential opportunities!

Take a Breather:

  • Take some time this summer to rewind and relax! It’s supposed to be a break, so treat it like one!

  • Spend quality time with friends and family to catch up!

  • Travel! Go places, connect with nature, and enjoy what’s around you!

To be a successful DECA member this year, it is essential to find a good work-life balance. This summer is the perfect time to create a plan for the upcoming school & competitive year, while also discovering habits that work best for you. For many DECA members, school is starting up next month (we’re already halfway through summer!) so make sure to utilize this time to do what you need to do. Once you get back into the hustle-bustle of school life, it is necessary to have good balancing habits in place so you don’t get overwhelmed.

​​Now, for a more “DECA” approach, for those of you that would like to begin preparation for your events, the DECA Guide for 2024-2025 has been released! Resources for roleplay and written/prepared events are all available here!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - Summer Competition Preparation - Role Play Events


By Johana Gonzalez, District 12 Vice President

Harmony School of Innovation - Fort Worth


Summer is ideal for getting ahead in your DECA Role Play Events! With less schoolwork and plenty of free time, you can focus on sharpening your skills and gaining an edge over the competition. So, here is how you can make the most out of your summer and prepare like a pro for those DECA Role Play events.

What is a Role Play?

Before you start preparing, it's essential to understand the structure and expectations of DECA Role Play events. Each event typically features an exam, a real-world scenario or business case study, a preparation period, and a presentation. These events are designed to assess your problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and industry knowledge within a realistic business context. To prepare effectively, familiarize yourself with the official DECA guidelines and study past role-play examples available on This resource provides exam blueprints and past case studies that are key to understanding what judges look for and refining your approach accordingly.

Why a Role Play Instead of a Written Event?

Role-plays offer a dynamic way to demonstrate your skills. Unlike written events, role-plays require on-the-spot thinking and adaptability, reflecting real business challenges. They help you develop critical soft skills like public speaking and quick decision-making, which are highly valued in business. DECA Direct’s Article, You Do You: Choose Competitive Event, has lots of information to help you decide if Role Play is your perfect competitive event!

Two Different Role Plays Formats:

1. Individual Events: Individual events in DECA encompass a variety of formats, including Principles Events tailored for first-year participants. In these events, you are presented with a scenario and allotted 10 minutes for preparation, followed by 10 minutes to present your solution.

2. Team Decision Making Events: In these events, participants work in pairs, emphasizing teamwork, collaboration, and the ability to develop a cohesive strategy. Each team is presented with a scenario and given 30 minutes to prepare, followed by a 15-minute presentation to present their solution.

Memorizing and Understanding Performance Indicators (PIs)

Performance Indicators (PIs) are specific skills and knowledge areas that judges look for in your

role-play. To master them:

- Memorize: Familiarize yourself with the PIs related to your event category. Create flashcards or use apps to aid memorization. Websites such as AnswerWrite, Quizlet, DECA+, and Texas DECA offer resources.

- Understand: Go beyond memorization by applying PIs in practice scenarios. Understanding how to implement them in various contexts will make your presentations more effective.

Practical Tips for Summer Preparation

1. Research Your Event Category: Stay updated on industry trends, key concepts, and current events.

2. Study Terms: Dedicate time to learn and understand essential terms and concepts relevant to your DECA event category. Mastering these terms will not only enhance your exam performance but also strengthen your presentations by demonstrating a deep understanding of industry-specific language.

3. Practice Role-Play Scenarios: Use past DECA scenarios to simulate competition. Time yourself and focus on clear, structured responses.

4. Develop Soft Skills: Enhance public speaking, body language, and confidence through

practice and feedback.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle DECA Role Play events with confidence

and skill. Use this summer wisely, and you’ll see the results in your performance. Good luck!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - A District Officer Summer (D10)


By Clare Kim, District 10 Vice President

Coronado High School


Howdy, Texas DECA! As we find ourselves in the peak of summer, it's the perfect time to reflect on what your district officers work on from springtime to now! From leadership summits to planning for the upcoming year, we've been busy ensuring that this year will be one for the books. Here's a look at our highlights and ongoing efforts.

● Texas Leadership Summit (TLS)

The Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) was a pivotal event for us. It’s a three-day workshop where we go to learn about our roles and the expectations that come with them. Held earlier in March, TLS offered district officers from across the state an immersive experience focused on leadership development and strategic planning. We engaged in various icebreakers and activities designed to enhance our leadership skills, network with fellow officers, and brainstorm innovative ideas to elevate our districts. One of the key takeaways from TLS was the importance of collaboration and effective communication. We learned how to better engage with our chapters and members, ensuring that we can provide the best support possible throughout the year. The insights gained from TLS are already being implemented as we plan upcoming events and initiatives.

● CTE “Preparing the Workforce” Conference

Recently for District 10, we manned a DECA booth at our local CTE Workforce Conference. There, we got to meet advisors, tell them of our plans for the year, and remind them of the amazing year we’ve had. Additionally, it was an incredible opportunity for us to spread the word of DECA to those who’ve never heard of us. We were also fortunate enough to network with many corporations allowing us to bring resources and opportunities to our chapters.

● Third of the Month Reports (TOMRs)

Another fundamental of being a district officer is TOMRs, or Third of the Month Reports. These reports relay what we’ve achieved and the goals we hope to accomplish for the next month. We compile updates on our activities, achievements, and any challenges we encounter.

● Social Media Management

One of my responsibilities as Vice President of District 10 is running our social media. I’m sure you can tell Canva and I are close friends. Since TLS, I’ve made posts on our new officer team, ICDC, mental health, and an internship opportunity, to name a few. Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with our members and keeping everyone informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

● Planning for the Upcoming Year

As we look ahead, our primary priority is planning for the upcoming year. Currently, our focus in District 10 is to further flesh out the details of our mock competition. We, officers, have also been talking about what we want our community service project for the year to be. Our goal is to ensure that every member has the opportunity to develop their skills, gain leadership experience, and prepare for their future careers.

Well, that’s all for now! With the upcoming school year, you can expect your district officers to get much busier. Nevertheless, your district officer teams will always have your best interests at heart and cannot wait to see y’all #BetheOne!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - A District Officer's Summer Recap


By Chloe Rocha, District 8 Vice President

Lubbock-Cooper High School


Summer is in full swing, and we're excited to update you on everything that's been happening since our Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) trip earlier this year. As a District 8 officer on behalf of all of our district officers, we've been hard at work to ensure we make this summer both productive and engaging for all of you before the start of our next school year!

Our journey started with the Texas Leadership Summit (TLS), where we developed our skills, networked with fellow district officers, and gained valuable insights into effective team management and competitive strategies to help fellow DECA members as a team. 

One of our major initiatives as a district 8 team post-TLS has been the creation of a Virtual Bootcamp. Understanding the challenges posed by remote learning based on our chapters' separation from each other and the need for continuous skill development during our competition season, we created a series of workshops and videos aimed at improving your DECA experience from the comfort of your own home and school. Whether you're focusing on marketing, finance, hospitality, or entrepreneurship in role plays or presentations, our Virtual Bootcamp has something for everyone.

To keep the competitive spirit alive, we've been organizing virtual challenges for our Bootcamp throughout the summer. These challenges not only test your DECA knowledge and skills but also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with members from other chapters within our district. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming challenges and how you can participate!

Beyond skills development, we've also emphasized community engagement. From virtual communication to collaborative projects with local businesses, we're committed to making a positive impact both within DECA and in our community. As we look ahead to the upcoming school year, we're filled with optimism and excitement. Our goal is to build on the excitement of this summer, expanding our reach and impact within District 8 and other districts. Whether you're a returning member or new to DECA, there are countless opportunities awaiting you, and we're here to support you every step of the way!

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - My ICDC Experience in a Emerging Leader Series Academy


By Ayush Dave, Liberty High School, Thrive Academy


Dress shoes clacking at every step. 

Suits rustling with anticipation. 

Lanyards swinging wildly.

My incredible journey through the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) came among this chaos of teens. Competing in Anaheim, California, was an unforgettable experience for me and my chapter from Liberty High School. 

Our journey to ICDC began with anticipation and loads of excitement as I boarded the plane bound for Anaheim. Due to unexpected weather changes and thunderstorms, we were stranded at the Dallas airport for more than 6 hours. Despite the setback, we found a company that shared experience with other DECA competitors facing similar challenges. It gave us time to roam around the airport, connect with students from different high schools, and try food from every restaurant in the airport terminal.

Liberty High School DECA Students Boarding Flight to Anaheim! (From left: Ramya, Amogh, Ashvita, Lea)

After finally arriving in Anaheim, it was already nighttime. We checked into our hotel and then went out to find dinner. I was very excited about the next day, as it would be my first ICDC experience, but I was also a bit nervous since I didn't know what to expect.

The following day, while some of my schoolmates were busy with presentations and tests, I had a free day. This allowed me to explore and discover new places and restaurants, which helped me feel more comfortable in a new city. With an extra day pass to Disneyland, I visited the park and had fun before the program began. This experience not only allowed me to unwind but also helped me get used to my new routine for the coming week. Meanwhile, most others stayed behind to prepare for their presentations and roleplays.

Finally, what we had all been waiting for was here: the ICDC opening session. The opening session was like entering a bustling marketplace of ideas and opportunities. One unforgettable highlight was the pin exchange at the opening ceremony. It was a fantastic way to kick off the event, connecting with students from various states and countries. Exchanging DECA pins became more than just a tradition—it was a way to learn about each other's DECA journeys and proudly display our backgrounds.

Students and Academy Speaker Patrick Grady (from left: Aashi, Ayush Dane, Patrick Grady, Lea)

As a non-competitor, I participated in the Thrive program, designed to empower students with the skills to manage DECA chapters and foster a growth mindset. Learning practical strategies for chapter leadership and gaining insights into the latest trends shaping the business world was insightful. One particular lesson that stood out was learning new techniques for conflict management within a team and gaining fresh event ideas from other students. Hearing from speakers like Breanna Holbert, Patrick Grady, Kenzie Bastian, and Eddie Slowikowski was eye-opening. Their stories and advice have motivated me to strive for excellence.

Beyond the enriching workshops and speaker sessions, ICDC was a mix of cultures and dreams. Networking wasn't just a buzzword; it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience of meeting peers from across the globe, sharing aspirations, and creating lasting connections. Every conversation counted, whether we were chatting about new ideas or figuring out our career paths. It was genuinely fun to talk to people from different places and learn about their lives, making the experience more relatable and enjoyable for anyone, not just those involved with ICDC or DECA.

Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - My ICDC Experience as a Competitor


Chapter members from Liberty High School in front of the Anaheim Convention Center at ICDC 2024.


By Anvi Saxena, Liberty High School, Project Management Career Development

"Tikki, spots on!" from Miraculous Ladybug is what I think of when I step into a DECA environment. Competing once again this year at ICDC was the same. I truly feel empowered to be my greatest, authentic self and feel so amazing about the journey my event has made throughout the course of the year. Wearing that blazer makes me feel like a superhero who can make a difference, just like Miraculous Ladybug. Now, as much as I would love to talk about my rollercoaster experience this year simply, I also want to be able to leave you with something. So as your DECA hero, here are my top three tips for having a great time at ICDC from my experiences this year:

1. Persevere Through Any (and all) Obstacles

This year, my team and chapter faced significant challenges before, during, and after ICDC. Our flight and others from our area were delayed six hours, giving us one less day to experience it all. However, this delay helped us grow closer as a chapter as we switched from terminal to terminal. We made the best of it by running our scripts and playing random games. However, things didn’t get easier from there. My partner got sick the day we flew in, and our board frame was completely broken. Although the board was a quick fix, thanks to Target, my partner getting sick wasn’t. We had been practicing for months for this day, and she could barely talk. Thanks to the CVS below us and the great ramen place near our hotel, we persevered through it all. My partner felt a bit better by presentation day, allowing us to give it our best shot. Although there was so much that kept happening, seeing all chapter members support each other made us push through and make the best out of every situation thrown at us. The key was not giving up and making the best of our situation despite not being what we had initially hoped for. You also have to remember that, at the end of the day, this is supposed to be a fun experience. By facing obstacles as they arise, you allow yourself to move forward and truly experience the difference!

2. Enjoy the Whole Process (not just the end result)

Another very important lesson I learned this year was that it's crucial to focus not just on the end results but to enjoy the entire journey. As a written event competitor, I can say that almost all written events are fueled with passion. With most of us starting in the summer and planning out every tiny detail, from a report’s font size to executing a project, it can be disheartening when factors out of your control dictate your end result. A pitch my partner and I had been working on for weeks had to be switched because of a random, unforeseen sickness. Although I didn’t realize it two days before the competition, we spent prepping; competing at ICDC is so much more than just winning. It’s about presenting the passion you have poured into your project and showcasing it internationally. 

While our presentation pitch may not have been what we had hoped for, we still took so much away from competition day. While standing in line, I saw so many other unique projects, such as how some people promoted career development through robotics while others expanded small businesses exponentially. Learning about these various projects and talking about mine made me realize the impact and importance of our competitive events beyond the DECA environment. By enjoying the whole journey of competing rather than focusing solely on the end result, you might surprise yourself with new learnings and connections in the real world!

3. Talk to Everyone and Anyone

“Interacting with people from all over the world is what makes ICDC so fun” is probably something you've heard a million times. As an introvert, this tip initially scared me, but I truly understood its value once I was at ICDC. Before my first ICDC last year, I never really grasped how I could connect with people from around the globe. When random people approached me to trade pins, hats, and lightsabers at my first opening session, I started to understand how easy it was to ignite a conversation. Meeting people who share the same love I have for Chipotle and DECA was truly life-altering for me.

Although I didn't manage to get a China pin this time, the “networking aspect” was taken to the next level. Not only was the opening session filled with new connections, but I also captured some of these moments on camera while vlogging the experience. Looking back, it was really cool to see how the DECA environment makes it so easy for us to approach one another. Another enhancement to my networking came when we were shooting my friend’s NHS campaign video. We got to connect on things besides DECA and really create a bond. By the end of my friend’s campaign video, we had made so many new friends and a great video, which, although it didn't get used, is still fun to watch to this day. It’s still so cool to catch up with people worldwide through a random Instagram DM or bumping into them on vacation. This year, I really got to expand my networking, and it significantly enhanced my overall ICDC experience.

Now that you know my top three tips from my experience as a competitor at ICDC, I think my work here is done. But wait, what about your next ICDC adventure? How will you make it extraordinary? “Tikki, spots off.” So, how will you “be the one” at your next ICDC?

Ideas, insights, and inspirations - College Preparation Outlook

By Andres Valle, Montwood High School, District 10 President 24-25

Preparing for college can feel overwhelming, like preparing for a DECA event at the last minute. Just kidding! Well, sort of. The college application process is intimidating for EVERYONE, so don’t stress about trying to do everything perfectly. Colleges want to see the real you – your personality, experiences, and thoughts. My friend, who’s now headed to Yale, gave me the best advice: It’s not about how much you do but what you do with your opportunities. With that in mind, here are a few things I’ve been doing to prepare for college.

1. Start Early!

Do not wait until the last minute to start thinking about college. Start early so you have plenty of time to research schools, prepare for tests, and get your applications in without stressing out.

2. Research Colleges!

Take some time to look into different colleges and find the ones that really fit you. Think about:

  • Programs: Make sure they have majors and programs you’re interested in.

  • Location: Do you want to be in a big city, a small town, or somewhere in between?

  • Size: Do you prefer a big university or a smaller college?

  • Campus Life: What’s the vibe on campus? Are there clubs and activities you’d enjoy?

  • Financial Aid: Check out the financial aid options and scholarships they offer.

3. Build Relationships with Teachers!

Get to know your teachers and school counselors well. You’ll need them to write recommendation letters, and it’s better if they really know you.

4. Make Yourself Stand Out!

College admissions see so many applications with the same extracurriculars: student council, Key Club, etc. There's nothing wrong with those clubs, but how do they make YOU stand out? For example, I love video editing. It might sound corny, but I’ve been doing it since I was 12. I have 20K followers on Instagram and even collaborated with a famous artist to help produce a music video with 7 million views!

5. Take Care of Your Mental Health!

The college application process is different for everyone, and what may have worked for me may not work for you. Also, college isn’t the end of the world, so make sure you’re taking care of your mental health while the season comes.

These are just a few things I’ve been doing to prepare for college application season. Remember, it’s all about showing colleges who you are and making the most of your opportunities. Good luck!

Texas Talks


The Texas Talks series will focus on a specific DECA topic each month with call activities, opportunities for meeting members across Texas, and awards for recognition.



CHAPTER CAMPAIGNS | Hosted by Sarah + Melat




Previous episodes of the Texas Talks series will be available here the week after the live episode.

Watch And Find Sample Role Plays

Where to Find Sample Role Plays

There are two quick options!

  1. DECA+ Has at least 3 scenarios for each event including last year’s District, State, and ICDC Level Scenarios!


    1. Visit the site

    2. Scroll Down to Competitive Event (Left Hand Side)

    3. Select Your Event

    4. Practice!

Professional & Alumni Promotion Resources





More Promotion Resources Coming Soon


Fall Chapter Meeting Topics

Below is a sample Fall Chapter Meeting schedule. You may wish to have meetings in a different order or have more frequent meetings than listed below. This is to give an idea of what your chapter could cover this fall with your members. This schedule is based on having bi-weekly meetings.


Meeting 1

what is deca?

This is an informational meeting for potential new members. In this meeting you should go over the basics of DECA and why students at your school might be interested in joining your chapter. You may wish to make this a ‘Bring a Friend’ meeting. While you want this meeting to be informational, be sure you’re not overwhelming potential new members. Keep it simple while engaging. Be sure to include how they can join if they are interested at the end of the meeting! See the list below for ideas of what you might do at your first meeting. Follow the sample agenda or pick and choose items that best fit your chapter!

  • QUICK ICEBREAKER: Introduce yourself to as many people in the room as you can in 2 minutes; Rock, Paper, Scissors War; Ask a ‘would you rather question’ and go around the room having attendees rapid fire their answers one right after another;

  • Introduce Chapter Officers

  • What is DECA and how to get involved in our chapter activities presentation

  • Play an easy DECA 101 Kahoot! to get attendees involved and give away a small prize for the winner

  • Questions

Don’t forget to collect emails or a way to contact those who are interested in attending the next meeting and joining DECA!

Meeting 2

welcome back to deca! an introduction to the year

This meeting is for returning members as well as anyone interested in diving a little deeper into what they can be involved in after the previous meeting. In this meeting you can go over what your chapter has planned for this year, any dates that you already have scheduled, and what members must do to be involved in the different activities.

  • What is the deadline for paying chapter dues? Who do they need to be paid to? How do they need to be paid? How much are they?

  • Any scheduled events for the year and deadlines that are related to the events. Scheduled events may include: Chapter Socials, Chapter Field Trips, Future Meetings, Mock Competitions, District Competition, Testing Dates, Written Event Deadlines, State Competition, Community Service Activities, Fall Leadership Conference

  • Deadline to pick a competitive event. What must members do to pick their competitive event? Do they have required practice sessions for their competitive event? When must they complete their required practice session?

  • Show state officer welcome video - found in the Advisor Hub

Meeting 3

introduce competitive events

This meeting is meant to be an introduction to competitive events. This will ease new members into the idea of competing as well as refreshing returning members on the different competitive events. It’s important to have new and returning members at this meeting (if your chapter has both) so the returning members can give some perspective on what it’s like to compete. Check out the resources and ideas below for what you might want to cover in this meeting:

  • Competitive Events 101 Presentation

  • Have returning competitors talk about why they enjoy competing and what they got out of competing

  • Have returning competitors in each event type (individual series, team decision making, project management, entrepreneurship, operations research, integrated marketing, professional selling) briefly describe what it’s like to those events. (you could also make it more generalized and just do one person for role play events and one person for prepared events)

  • Have returning members perform a sample role play in front of meeting attendees

  • Have returning members do their presentation from the previous year in front of the meeting

Meeting 4

Choosing an event

At meeting 3, you described the different types of events. Now, you want to help members choose an event that would work best for them. This can be an interactive meeting where you ask questions and have students split up based on their preferences, it could be multiple small meetings where you meet with students in smaller groups, or you may have them split up with your officer team to discuss competitive events and what they are thinking about competing in. Some resources you may wish to use to help students pick a competitive event are listed below:

  • Have members take the DECA styles test (if they’ve not taken it before) prior to attending the meeting. The end of the test suggests events based on your leadership style.

  • Take a look at this poster to help make the decision

  • Use this interactive presentation for choosing a competitive event

Meeting 5

how to present yourself - a career development meeting

At this meeting, the advisor, chapter officers or a guest speaker will talk about giving presentations and give tips and tricks on the topic.

Meeting 6

parts of a role play - breaking down a role play

This meeting is specifically targeted to students who are competing in role play events or would like to learn a little more about them. You may wish to have a second meeting this week specifically for prepared presentation competitors. In this meeting, you could talk about

  • Performance Indicators: what are they, why are they important, where can you find them to practice

  • The scenario: how to break the scenario down into digestible pieces, what to pay attention to within the scenario

  • Ideation: how to come up with unique ideas to present to the judge

  • Notes: how to utilize your prep time and take meaningful notes

  • Visuals: what kind of visual graphics/charts can you easily make from the information given to present to the judge

Meeting 7

practice a role play

Now that you’ve learned how to break down your role play into digestible pieces and how to utilize your prep time, let’s practice it a couple of times! Have everyone in your meeting pair up. If you are able to have members who have competed in role play events before team up with new members, that would be a great way to create pairs. If not, that’s ok! You may shorten their prep time to 5 minutes rather than 10 so you can get more rounds in. This activity is to get them comfortable with presenting their ideas.

You may wish to have a separate room or meeting date for prepared event teams to work on their paper or practice their presentation.

Meeting 8

dress for success

What’s the difference in business casual and business professional? Let’s find out together! You may wish to lead this meeting, have your officers lead the meeting, or have a professional come in to lead the meeting (if you have a Men’s Wearhouse near, they might be interested in coming to give this presentation for your members). Whether members are competing or not, this is valuable information for them to have!

After the presentation has been given, be sure to pull up the Texas DECA dress code and talk about what can/can’t be worn on stage and in front of a judge at a DECA event.

Meeting 9

district details & what to expect at the conference

Your District Career Development Conference is quickly approaching! Share any details your members may need about the week leading up to and the day of DCDC.

  • When are permission forms due (if they haven’t been turned in yet)

  • Reminder of what to wear

  • What time to meet on the morning of the conference

  • What time are you planning to be home

  • An overview of the day

  • Any important contacts/information for the day of

Chapter Calendar Template


The calendar template comes with all of the Texas DECA & DECA events on them. Make the calendar your own! Delete the events your chapter doesn’t need and add your own chapter events/deadlines! You may also use this calendar as a social media planning calendar.

Resources for Role Play Events

What is a ROLE PLAY Event?

Role Play/Case Study events require students to think on their feet as they work through a business situation - given to them at the conference, with a limited amount of time to prepare. Students will have either ten (10) minutes as an individual or thirty (30) minutes as a team of two (2) for our Team Decision Making Events. After you work through the situation, you will head over to the Judge’s area and present your solution in an interactive session.

These events will also take a 100-question exam, which is based on their event. This exam is used to determine content knowledge and is 1/3 of the score used to calculate the top competitors! (The Role Play(s) make up the other 2/3).

The Exams and Role Plays are generated using PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, which are based off of National Curriculum Standards and are industry-verified for being real-world and relevant. Students are likely learning many of these Performance Indicators in class, but additional outside preparation is definitely encouraged!

To help you prepare for Role Play Events we recommend that you Study Performance Indicators, Take Practice Exams, and Do Practice Role Plays! Luckily for you, we have those tools and resources available here!


Performance Indicators are a specific piece of knowledge that students will be challenged on as part of the exam and/or role play scenario. Students should be familiar the Performance Indicators that apply to each event. We have broken these down for you by event.

A good rule of thumb when studying these Performance Indicators is:

When you see it and you’re confident in the answer, move to the next one. If you see it and you’re unsure, talk about it with an advisor/teacher. If it’s the first time seeing that terminology, dig deeper and research the content. There is not a perfect answer for every performance indicator, so there isn’t a bulleted list to study and memorize. Work to become familiar with the terms and feel confident, so that when you see them on an exam or role play, you’re prepared to EARN that DECA Glass!

**DECA Plus has flashcards with great information to address each performance indicator.

A note from judges: “Good competitors will mention the Performance Indicators. What separates the top competitors is explaining the PIs and connecting them to the scenario/situation. That’s what earns them those top scores!”

Since we LOVE Acronyms, here is one regarding Performance Indicators!

D: Deliver the information. If it says Explain… Explain it. If it says Demonstrate… Demonstrate it.
E: Explain its importance and relevancy. Why is this important to know?
C: Connect it to the situation.
A: Above and Beyond. What else can you add on that Performance Indicator to make it memorable and valuable?



PBM PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


HRM HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26, 42-47


BLTDM BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26



ENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


ETDM ENTREPRENEURSHIP TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators



PFN PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


ACT ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26, 27-32
BFS BUSINESS FINANCE SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26, 38-42

Professional Selling and Consulting

FCE FINANCIAL CONSULTING EVENT | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26 (Exam Only)


FTDM FINANCIAL SERVICES TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-26



PHT PRINCIPLES OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


HLM HOTEL & LODGING MANAGEMENT SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32, 42-48
QSRM QUICK SERVE RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32, 49-55
RFSM RESTAURANT AND FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32, 49-55


HTDM HOSPITALITY SERVICES TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32
TTDM TRAVEL & TOURISM TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32

Professional Selling and Consulting

HTPS HOSPITALITY & TOURISM PROFESSIONAL SELLING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-32 (Exam Only)



PMK PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


AAM APPAREL & ACCESSORIES MARKETING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 47-53
ASM AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES MARKETING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 39-42
BSM BUSINESS SERVICES MARKETING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 39-42
FMS FOOD MARKETING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 39-42
MCS MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-38
RMS RETAIL MERCHANDISING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 47-53
SEM SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING SERIES | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28, 39-42


BTDM BUYING & MERCHANDISING TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28
MTDM MARKETING MANAGEMENT TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28
STDM SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING TEAM DECISION MAKING | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28

Prepared Events

IMCE, IMCP, IMCS INTEGRATED MARKETING CAMPAIGN - EVENT, PRODUCT, SERVICE | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28 (Exam Only)
PSE PROFESSIONAL SELLING EVENT | Click Here to View Performance Indicators - pg 4-28 (Exam Only)


PFL PERSONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY | Click Here to View Performance Indicators


Related Resources:

Creating a Program of Leadership

By combining your ideas, resources, and the people involved, you can create a strong strategy that will allow you to achieve results. Having a solid strategy is key for achieving the goals that you set forth for the year. A program of leadership is a guide to creating that solid strategy so that you are setting your team up for a successful year of achieving, and hopefully exceeding your goals.

Your ‘Program of Leadership’ or POL guides you to create goals for the year in the areas of PROGRAMS, OPERATIONS, and LEADERSHIP. Check out the resources below to get started with your planning!

See the guide below to help your chapter officer team in planning your strongest year yet!