Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - A District Officer Summer (D10)


By Clare Kim, District 10 Vice President

Coronado High School


Howdy, Texas DECA! As we find ourselves in the peak of summer, it's the perfect time to reflect on what your district officers work on from springtime to now! From leadership summits to planning for the upcoming year, we've been busy ensuring that this year will be one for the books. Here's a look at our highlights and ongoing efforts.

● Texas Leadership Summit (TLS)

The Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) was a pivotal event for us. It’s a three-day workshop where we go to learn about our roles and the expectations that come with them. Held earlier in March, TLS offered district officers from across the state an immersive experience focused on leadership development and strategic planning. We engaged in various icebreakers and activities designed to enhance our leadership skills, network with fellow officers, and brainstorm innovative ideas to elevate our districts. One of the key takeaways from TLS was the importance of collaboration and effective communication. We learned how to better engage with our chapters and members, ensuring that we can provide the best support possible throughout the year. The insights gained from TLS are already being implemented as we plan upcoming events and initiatives.

● CTE “Preparing the Workforce” Conference

Recently for District 10, we manned a DECA booth at our local CTE Workforce Conference. There, we got to meet advisors, tell them of our plans for the year, and remind them of the amazing year we’ve had. Additionally, it was an incredible opportunity for us to spread the word of DECA to those who’ve never heard of us. We were also fortunate enough to network with many corporations allowing us to bring resources and opportunities to our chapters.

● Third of the Month Reports (TOMRs)

Another fundamental of being a district officer is TOMRs, or Third of the Month Reports. These reports relay what we’ve achieved and the goals we hope to accomplish for the next month. We compile updates on our activities, achievements, and any challenges we encounter.

● Social Media Management

One of my responsibilities as Vice President of District 10 is running our social media. I’m sure you can tell Canva and I are close friends. Since TLS, I’ve made posts on our new officer team, ICDC, mental health, and an internship opportunity, to name a few. Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with our members and keeping everyone informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

● Planning for the Upcoming Year

As we look ahead, our primary priority is planning for the upcoming year. Currently, our focus in District 10 is to further flesh out the details of our mock competition. We, officers, have also been talking about what we want our community service project for the year to be. Our goal is to ensure that every member has the opportunity to develop their skills, gain leadership experience, and prepare for their future careers.

Well, that’s all for now! With the upcoming school year, you can expect your district officers to get much busier. Nevertheless, your district officer teams will always have your best interests at heart and cannot wait to see y’all #BetheOne!