Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - Summer Competition Preparation - Role Play Events


By Johana Gonzalez, District 12 Vice President

Harmony School of Innovation - Fort Worth


Summer is ideal for getting ahead in your DECA Role Play Events! With less schoolwork and plenty of free time, you can focus on sharpening your skills and gaining an edge over the competition. So, here is how you can make the most out of your summer and prepare like a pro for those DECA Role Play events.

What is a Role Play?

Before you start preparing, it's essential to understand the structure and expectations of DECA Role Play events. Each event typically features an exam, a real-world scenario or business case study, a preparation period, and a presentation. These events are designed to assess your problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and industry knowledge within a realistic business context. To prepare effectively, familiarize yourself with the official DECA guidelines and study past role-play examples available on This resource provides exam blueprints and past case studies that are key to understanding what judges look for and refining your approach accordingly.

Why a Role Play Instead of a Written Event?

Role-plays offer a dynamic way to demonstrate your skills. Unlike written events, role-plays require on-the-spot thinking and adaptability, reflecting real business challenges. They help you develop critical soft skills like public speaking and quick decision-making, which are highly valued in business. DECA Direct’s Article, You Do You: Choose Competitive Event, has lots of information to help you decide if Role Play is your perfect competitive event!

Two Different Role Plays Formats:

1. Individual Events: Individual events in DECA encompass a variety of formats, including Principles Events tailored for first-year participants. In these events, you are presented with a scenario and allotted 10 minutes for preparation, followed by 10 minutes to present your solution.

2. Team Decision Making Events: In these events, participants work in pairs, emphasizing teamwork, collaboration, and the ability to develop a cohesive strategy. Each team is presented with a scenario and given 30 minutes to prepare, followed by a 15-minute presentation to present their solution.

Memorizing and Understanding Performance Indicators (PIs)

Performance Indicators (PIs) are specific skills and knowledge areas that judges look for in your

role-play. To master them:

- Memorize: Familiarize yourself with the PIs related to your event category. Create flashcards or use apps to aid memorization. Websites such as AnswerWrite, Quizlet, DECA+, and Texas DECA offer resources.

- Understand: Go beyond memorization by applying PIs in practice scenarios. Understanding how to implement them in various contexts will make your presentations more effective.

Practical Tips for Summer Preparation

1. Research Your Event Category: Stay updated on industry trends, key concepts, and current events.

2. Study Terms: Dedicate time to learn and understand essential terms and concepts relevant to your DECA event category. Mastering these terms will not only enhance your exam performance but also strengthen your presentations by demonstrating a deep understanding of industry-specific language.

3. Practice Role-Play Scenarios: Use past DECA scenarios to simulate competition. Time yourself and focus on clear, structured responses.

4. Develop Soft Skills: Enhance public speaking, body language, and confidence through

practice and feedback.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle DECA Role Play events with confidence

and skill. Use this summer wisely, and you’ll see the results in your performance. Good luck!