Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - A District Officer's Summer Recap


By Chloe Rocha, District 8 Vice President

Lubbock-Cooper High School


Summer is in full swing, and we're excited to update you on everything that's been happening since our Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) trip earlier this year. As a District 8 officer on behalf of all of our district officers, we've been hard at work to ensure we make this summer both productive and engaging for all of you before the start of our next school year!

Our journey started with the Texas Leadership Summit (TLS), where we developed our skills, networked with fellow district officers, and gained valuable insights into effective team management and competitive strategies to help fellow DECA members as a team. 

One of our major initiatives as a district 8 team post-TLS has been the creation of a Virtual Bootcamp. Understanding the challenges posed by remote learning based on our chapters' separation from each other and the need for continuous skill development during our competition season, we created a series of workshops and videos aimed at improving your DECA experience from the comfort of your own home and school. Whether you're focusing on marketing, finance, hospitality, or entrepreneurship in role plays or presentations, our Virtual Bootcamp has something for everyone.

To keep the competitive spirit alive, we've been organizing virtual challenges for our Bootcamp throughout the summer. These challenges not only test your DECA knowledge and skills but also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with members from other chapters within our district. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming challenges and how you can participate!

Beyond skills development, we've also emphasized community engagement. From virtual communication to collaborative projects with local businesses, we're committed to making a positive impact both within DECA and in our community. As we look ahead to the upcoming school year, we're filled with optimism and excitement. Our goal is to build on the excitement of this summer, expanding our reach and impact within District 8 and other districts. Whether you're a returning member or new to DECA, there are countless opportunities awaiting you, and we're here to support you every step of the way!