
Chapter Campaigns Ideas


Brainstorming Questions list:

How many members did we have last year?
What groups of students are most involved in our chapter?
Where could we expand within our school’s student population?
Where do most people get their information on campus?
What are other chapters doing for recruitment?
What are our biggest sale points as a chapter?
Do we have alumni who have recently graduated?
Does our advisor or other teachers at our school know our chapter's alumni?
Are there DECA alumni in our school’s faculty?
What professional organizations do we work with?


Bring-a-friend meeting
Posters/flyers around the school announcing our club
School PA system announcements
Fun social media content
Advertising at your school’s orientation or registration
Recruitment contests for current members
Reach out to recently graduated seniors and ask them to help build an alumni network
Create a social media post looking for DECA alumni
Ask parents to become professional members
Reach out to a local chamber of commerce for professional members
Visit feeder campuses and CTE classes to encourage joining DECA



Brainstorming Questions list:

What school events are happening soon that we could become a part of?
Where do most students get their information on campus?
How can we reach a lot of students?
Do we know of any successful alumni?
Do we know recent graduates that could connect us with alumni?
How does DECA help students thrive in their future?
Where does most of our community get its information?
Are there any large community centers nearby?
What do community members like to see from a school organization?
Is our community especially focused on a specific industry/activity?


Promote your chapter in a school event like a football game or pep rally
Partner with another organization on campus to host an event
Follow a popular trend on social media with a DECA twist to it
Make an announcement promoting DECA on a PA system
Share stories of alumni thriving in college
Find faculty at your school or parents of members who were in DECA and share their stories
Share about your chapter in a local newspaper or news station
Put up flyers in a local community center like a library
Volunteer at a community event wearing your chapter’s shirts
Request recognition from your town’s mayor



Brainstorming Questions list:

What community service activities does our chapter already do?
What community service activities are students in our school involved in?
What local charities are nearby?
What are the needs of the local community?
Have any major events recently left people nearby in need?
What are the members of our chapter passionate about?


Community Service ideas:
Host a drive at your school for a local charity
Fundraise money for a specific cause
Partner with a service organization on your campus
Volunteer as a chapter at a local food bank or shelter
Adopt a street/highway and host cleanups there
Help support a keep _ beautiful initiative 
Write letters to veterans or seniors for the holidays
Create inspirational bookmarks for kids in need
Take a trip to help kids at a local elementary school
Conduct a miracle minute for a charity



Brainstorming Questions list:

What ethical topics are we passionate about?
What students in our chapter are comfortable creating or being in front of a camera?
How can we share videos that we make with others?
What leaders are on our campus that have to be ethical?
Where can we reach a large portion of our campus?
Are there any organizations or groups on campus that would benefit from learning about ethical leadership?
What leaders in our community have to make ethical decisions?
Where can we reach a large portion of our community?


Follow a trend as part of your ethical leadership challenge submission
Reward students for submitting entries
Share your ethical leadership entries on your chapter’s social media
Interview a principal or teacher about ethics
Create flyers informing about ethics
Work with a youth government or student council to discuss ethics
Host a community panel with community leaders to discuss ethics
Interview local professionals about ethical leadership
Highlight ethical decisions in the community
Post the ethical principles on social media
Host an interactive ethics quiz



Brainstorming Questions list:

How many people know about CTE at our school?
What CTE courses are offered at our school?
Where can we learn more about the importance of CTE courses?
How much of our school is enrolled in a CTE course?
Where does our school receive its information?
What policy makers affect us?
What are the local CTE programs?
What do local CTE programs need from policy makers to thrive?
Where does our community get its information?
What benefit do CTE courses bring to our community?
Are there any CTE alumni in our community?
What local businesses connect with CTE programs?


Reach out to local business to form partnerships with CTE programs on your campus
Present to students at your school about CTE and its benefits
Write to local politicians about the importance of DECA and CTE
Ask for things your CTE programs need from local policy makers
Make a social media post for each day of CTE month promoting CTE courses and DECA
Partner with other CTSOs at your school to hold CTE events

Texas Two Step Campaign

The Texas Two Step Campaign is designed to help chapters in the same area network with one another.


Networking and meeting new people is just one of the great benefits of being a part of DECA. Team up with another chapter in your area to host a social event and/or a community outreach event. If you choose to do both, you do not have to do the social and community outreach events with the same partner chapter.

Complete ONE of the combined chapter events and receive recognition at your District Career Development Conference + receive a ribbon at the State Career Development Conference.

Complete TWO of the combined chapter events and receive recognition at your District Career Development Conference + a ribbon, plaque and recognition on stage at the State Career Development Conference.

By completing the Texas Two Step, your chapter will be eligible to submit an application to attend the Aspire, Ignite, or Elevate Academies at ICDC.

DUE: DECEMBER 15, 2024

Each chapter must make their own submission. You will not get credit for the other chapter submitting the event.

NOTE: Participating in a DECA District organized activity does NOT count for the Texas Two-Step. For clarification, please email

IS YOUR CHAPTER FAR FROM OTHERS? Contact Texas DECA to Connect You With Another Chapter Virtually!