Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - My ICDC Experience in a Emerging Leader Series Academy


By Ayush Dave, Liberty High School, Thrive Academy


Dress shoes clacking at every step. 

Suits rustling with anticipation. 

Lanyards swinging wildly.

My incredible journey through the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) came among this chaos of teens. Competing in Anaheim, California, was an unforgettable experience for me and my chapter from Liberty High School. 

Our journey to ICDC began with anticipation and loads of excitement as I boarded the plane bound for Anaheim. Due to unexpected weather changes and thunderstorms, we were stranded at the Dallas airport for more than 6 hours. Despite the setback, we found a company that shared experience with other DECA competitors facing similar challenges. It gave us time to roam around the airport, connect with students from different high schools, and try food from every restaurant in the airport terminal.

Liberty High School DECA Students Boarding Flight to Anaheim! (From left: Ramya, Amogh, Ashvita, Lea)

After finally arriving in Anaheim, it was already nighttime. We checked into our hotel and then went out to find dinner. I was very excited about the next day, as it would be my first ICDC experience, but I was also a bit nervous since I didn't know what to expect.

The following day, while some of my schoolmates were busy with presentations and tests, I had a free day. This allowed me to explore and discover new places and restaurants, which helped me feel more comfortable in a new city. With an extra day pass to Disneyland, I visited the park and had fun before the program began. This experience not only allowed me to unwind but also helped me get used to my new routine for the coming week. Meanwhile, most others stayed behind to prepare for their presentations and roleplays.

Finally, what we had all been waiting for was here: the ICDC opening session. The opening session was like entering a bustling marketplace of ideas and opportunities. One unforgettable highlight was the pin exchange at the opening ceremony. It was a fantastic way to kick off the event, connecting with students from various states and countries. Exchanging DECA pins became more than just a tradition—it was a way to learn about each other's DECA journeys and proudly display our backgrounds.

Students and Academy Speaker Patrick Grady (from left: Aashi, Ayush Dane, Patrick Grady, Lea)

As a non-competitor, I participated in the Thrive program, designed to empower students with the skills to manage DECA chapters and foster a growth mindset. Learning practical strategies for chapter leadership and gaining insights into the latest trends shaping the business world was insightful. One particular lesson that stood out was learning new techniques for conflict management within a team and gaining fresh event ideas from other students. Hearing from speakers like Breanna Holbert, Patrick Grady, Kenzie Bastian, and Eddie Slowikowski was eye-opening. Their stories and advice have motivated me to strive for excellence.

Beyond the enriching workshops and speaker sessions, ICDC was a mix of cultures and dreams. Networking wasn't just a buzzword; it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience of meeting peers from across the globe, sharing aspirations, and creating lasting connections. Every conversation counted, whether we were chatting about new ideas or figuring out our career paths. It was genuinely fun to talk to people from different places and learn about their lives, making the experience more relatable and enjoyable for anyone, not just those involved with ICDC or DECA.