
Advisor Emails from Texas DECA Staff

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2022-2023 deca year


Welcome Back Advisors! - August Newsletter
Original Sent Date: 8/3/2022
Meet the Staff, Advisor Resource Center, Texas DECA Fact Sheet & Scavenger Hunt, Escape Room, Case Study of the Week + Question of the Day, Case Study Challenge, Chapter Campaigns, Editable Resources, Chapter of the Year, Statewide Advisor Training


Check out what Texas DECA has coming up in October!
Original Sent Date: 10//2022

Check out what Texas DECA has coming up in September!
Original Sent Date: 9/1/2022
Meet the State Officers, Texas Talks - Student Newsletters, Submit your T-Shirt Designs, Chapter Packet Request, Let’s Talk About DECA Recording, 21-22 Event Data, Advisor Training, Bring a Friend Challenge, Case Study & Entrepreneurship Challenge, Advisor Resource Center, Chapter of the Year, Resources


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