Ideas, Insights, and Inspirations - Summer To-Do List


By Mariyam Khazi, District 5 Vice President

Round Rock High School


Destination: DECA Success 2024-2025!

Travel Dates: May - August

The DECA To-Do List:

  • Select your event!

  • Start preparing for your event: whether this be studying for your cluster exam or starting your written event paper!

  • If you’re serving as a chapter/district officer, schedule meetings with your team to plan for the 24-25 competitive school year!

  • Keep up with your District! Attend socials that the District may be hosting. Network!


  • Finding a part-time job can help cure the annual summer boredom! Consider: ice cream stores, tutoring centers, lifeguarding, restaurants, etc.

  • Look into internships for your desired career field: visit LinkedIn and other job sites to find opportunities. 

  • Apply! Apply! Apply! The worst response you can get is a no, and the more chances you take, the better results you will get!

  • Cold email/call! There’s no harm in reaching out to get information about potential opportunities!

Take a Breather:

  • Take some time this summer to rewind and relax! It’s supposed to be a break, so treat it like one!

  • Spend quality time with friends and family to catch up!

  • Travel! Go places, connect with nature, and enjoy what’s around you!

To be a successful DECA member this year, it is essential to find a good work-life balance. This summer is the perfect time to create a plan for the upcoming school & competitive year, while also discovering habits that work best for you. For many DECA members, school is starting up next month (we’re already halfway through summer!) so make sure to utilize this time to do what you need to do. Once you get back into the hustle-bustle of school life, it is necessary to have good balancing habits in place so you don’t get overwhelmed.

​​Now, for a more “DECA” approach, for those of you that would like to begin preparation for your events, the DECA Guide for 2024-2025 has been released! Resources for roleplay and written/prepared events are all available here!