Career Development

Industry Insight

Check out these resources to see what a career in each of these fields could look like!


Jobs for Graduates with a Finance Degree 

What can you do with a finance degree? 

Interesting Finance Careers You Didn’t Know Existed 

12 Interesting Jobs in Finance


Careers in Hospitality

Potential Jobs with a Hospitality Management Degree 

Getting started in Hospitality 

4 Steps to Getting a Job as a Hotel Manager 

Get Your Foot in the Door in the Hospitality Industry 

10 Reasons Hospitality Jobs are Great


Careers in Management:;

What can I do with a major in Management & Leadership?

What to know about a career in management:


Related Resources:

Using Key-Word Dropping to Your Advantage

Guide to Personal Branding

Career Aptitude Tests

16 Personalities

This site provides a “personality” (or preference) assessment that returns a 4-letter code similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Users will answer questions and be provided with detailed free information about their type with the option to explore all 16 types. There is a strong “Our Theory” page that describes how the assessment was created and where to go for additional information. (MAPP)

The MAPP is an interest survey designed by the International Assessment Network in Minneapolis, MN. A free sample MAPP Career Analysis is provided to help individuals identify their preferences for working with people or things, and other job characteristics; it also suggests some occupations that match these preferences. The resulting report is sent to the user via e-mail, outlining his or her “natural motivations and talent for work” and matching these to five occupational descriptions from O*NET.

ASVAB Career Exploration Program

The Department of Defense provides high schools with the Career Exploration Program as a career planning and exploration program. This is free to the schools and students and can provide career path information that students may not be considering. It includes an aptitude and interest assessment with links to occupations.

CareerOneStop Self Assessments Pages

This site has free online self-assessments for interests, skills, and work values. Users who take the assessments can print and/or save their results and compare with occupational information.

In addition to the Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ), this site includes seven more free assessments designed to assist individuals in the process of making a career decision by helping them clarify difficulties and providing a framework for career decisionmaking organized into a three-stage process. Information about and access to Making Better Career Decisions (MBCD), an Internet based career planning system, is provided. There is a special section of the website with information specifically for career development practitioners.

GSP Life Plan

Career, education, finance, leadership, and personal plans for success for students. Start with the assessments and learn how to create smart goals and action plans.

O*NET Career Exploration Tools

These instruments will help individuals identify their work-related interests, what they consider important on the job, and their abilities in order to explore those occupations that relate most closely to those attributes.

O*Net Interest Profiler

The O*Net Interest Profiler is an assessment of client interests based on Holland’s theory (RIASEC). This page has direct links to the four forms of the interest profiler including a 60- question web-based version, a 30-question mobile-friendly version, a paper and pencil handscored version, and downloadable software.

personal globe inventory

This interest assessment was created by Arizona State University to help students and clients match interests scores to occupations and college majors.

student interest survey for career clusters

A career guidance tool that allows students to respond to questions and identify the top three Career Clusters of interest based on their responses. This pencil/paper survey takes about fifteen minutes to complete and can be used in the classroom or for presentations with audiences who have an interest in career exploration. The survey is available in English and Spanish and can be viewed and printed.

work importance profiler

What's important to you in a job? Discover how much you value achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions in a job. Get a list of jobs that reflect your values.


Related Resources:

5 Key Skills to Being a Leader

One of the most defining character traits in DECA members is the trait of leadership. Without leadership, one can not successfully manage a business, become the CEO of a company, let alone be able to approach customers on a daily basis. It all takes learning how to lead and guide people efficiently. Now for the big question: How does one develop the characteristics of a leader? We’re about to give you 5 characteristics of a quality leader!

1. Public Speaking

In order to be an effective leader, your level of communication must be high. Engaging with members in your chapter is a perfect way to start. Once you know the members of your chapter personally, public speaking will suddenly become a lot easier! As they say, “You learn best by doing, not learning to do.” So practice through speaking! Talk to anyone and everyone, and be social! Another way to increase your level of public speaking is through accessibility. Don’t come off as unapproachable, people should want to talk to you, too. Always remember to remain personable and before you know it, your speaking skills will eventually elevate!

2. Learning to Serve

A wise man said “In order to be a leader, you must first learn to serve.” Most people in business don’t want to work for someone else. Why? Because the ultimate goal is to become a CEO. That’s the dream, right? Often, the idea of working for someone else gives off a negative connotation to certain people. However, the truth is, before you become a leader, you must be a follower. The best way to uplift yourself is to uplift others, so empower others and  help other people achieve their goals and the favor will be returned back to you!

3. Persistence

“Persistence beats resistance”. We all have our own personal struggles going on. We also know that value isn’t just handed to you. It takes skill, knowledge, and attitude. Regardless of the challenges that come your way, and regardless of the struggles you go through, push through. Realize that ALL great things take time, and nothing will ever be just handed to you. The true definition of a leader is going beyond the point where everybody else would stop, learn to embody this trait.

4. Focus

You can’t be a leader without prioritizing some things over others. Leaders are always, always, always focused, true leaders are.  Breaks are a necessity thing, and one should NEVER over work themselves. However, remember time is valuable and should always be used wisely. When you’re focused, you may not always go through with the popular decision, but you’ll always “Do what’s best for business”. You’ve got to remember not to focus on your competition, but rather focus on improving yourself.

5. Confidence

Confidence is key to being an excelling leader. How do you expect others to believe you when you don’t even believe in yourself? Confidence allows you to guide others, have others listen to your voice, and gain respect. Not all of us are as confident as others, but remember- there is only one you, and you are unique. No one else is like you, so you might as well show people what you’re made of! Be yourself, and be confident walking in your own shoes. This will get you far!

All of these traits go hand in hand. Master these skills are you will be on your way to leading your chapter to greatness!


Related Resources:

How to Dine Like a True Professional

Whether you are a young student or a seasoned professional, the importance of strong dining skills stands. How well you conduct yourself at the dining table with the pressure of a mouthful of food hanging over your head may either positively or negatively affect the business decision or interview. Thus, the key is to know how to carry yourself in business dining situations beforehand in order to be prepared for anything that may fly your way. The following tips below will pinpoint areas crucial in dining etiquette.

Pre- Dining Etiquette

Punctuality is important. No one wants to be kept waiting, so be on time. If the delay happens to be unavoidable, take action and contact the person to let them know. However, keep in mind that encountering heavy traffic, construction or wrecks will happen, thus it is important to always leave early in order to set aside enough time to arrive promptly. Just as “DECA time” is arriving fifteen minutes prior to an event, arrive early to your business dinner or lunch.

I’m at the table, what do I do now?

If you are already seated, rise to greet the other person or people. Apply your positive body language skills and give the newly arrived person a firm, solid handshake. If you have just arrived, wait until you are invited to be seated or seat yourself after the host sits down. All bags, purses, briefcases and glasses should be kept off the table at all times and cell phones should be on silent and put away as well.

Table Setting

With a variety of table settings, the surest way to choose the right utensils is the follow the general guideline, “start on the outside and work your way in.”  If there are two forks of the same or different sizes (one for the salad, the other for the main course), always start with the outermost fork. Your drink will always be on the right side above your knife and soup spoon as well. The bread plate will always be placed on the left side above your forks.  To recall the placement order, remember the acronym BMW, B for bread on the left, M for meal in the center and W for water (or beverage) on the right. Keep in mind the BMW as it will help you remember which water glass is yours and prevent you from harming your professional image by making the mistake of drinking from a client’s or interviewer’s water glass.

It’s time to order, what should I pick?

A good rule of thumb is to follow the lead of the host. Order simply and do not customize your order excessively as negative attention is then attracted to you. Select an item that is mid-price, easy to eat and enjoyable. It is highly recommended to stay away from messy or difficult meals such as barbecue ribs, spaghetti or lobster.


As the meals are getting served, wait for everyone to receive their order, and for the host to begin eating before starting in on your meal. While you are eating, take small bites and do not talk with your mouth full. Try a little of everything on your plate unless you have a food allergy. You will present yourself as unsophisticated and juvenile if you eat only your steak and potatoes, pushing your peas and carrots away. Pace yourself throughout the meal in order to finish in time with everyone else; however, this does not mean eating at the speed of light or as slow as a snail.

What do I do if I have to leave the table?

When leaving the table during the meal, excuse yourself politely, place your napkin next to your plate and push the chair back under the table. It is not important to announce where you are going, or what you will be doing when you get there.

Lets Talk Business!

Use the business meal as an opportunity to build a relationship. People do business with people they trust. Employers hire those they feel will represent their company in the best possible light. This meeting is a great opportunity to showcase your professional knowledge, strong communication skills and attention to detail. Taking the time and making the effort to hone your dining skills is an investment in your business success.

More General Etiquette Tips

  • A cough or a sneeze should be directed into your left shoulder, shielded by your left hand. This will keep your right hand germ-free. Avoid using your napkin as a tissue.

  • If an accident at the table occurs, handle it and move on. Ask for assistance from your server, but do not give the situation more attention than it deserves. It is best to simply deal with it as efficiently as possible. Remember, accidents do happen!

  • If you drop a utensil, let it stay on the floor. Move it out of the way so other restaurant guests will not hurt themselves. Signal your server for another fork and encourage your guest to continue eating.

  • When asked to pass the salt, always pass the pepper as well. Pepper and salt are married together and should stay that way.

  • Cultural courtesy is a big aspect of business in today’s world. If you are in another country or going to dine with a businessman coming from a foreign country, make sure to research their country’s culture and customs.

As you go to business lunches, dinners or interviews, keep these etiquette tips in mind. They are highly importance and will come into great help during dining situations. Now that you are prepared, best of luck to you!


Three Common Wrong Handshakes

First impressions are lasting impressions. The manner in which you extend your hand, the firmness of your grip and even the timing of your handshake influence how someone feels about you throughout a professional relationship. For this reason, mastering a perfect handshake is an invaluable lesson.

Here are a few common types of wrong handshakes:


1. The Barbie

The Barbie handshake is one in which you shake with only your fingers. A proper handshake should include your whole hand. The Barbie handshake can give others the impression that you are uninterested or even worse, arrogant.

2. The Arnold (Schwarzenegger)

The Arnold handshake is one in which you squeeze the life out of others. The Arnold handshake is perceived as a sign of aggressive dominance. Your grip should not be stronger than would be your grip when you turn a doorknob.

3. The Oprah

The Oprah handshake is one in which both people shake hands and then you place your second hand on top of the handshake. This type of handshake can add a whole other layer of uncomfortability. Therefore, a proper handshake should only involve two hands and last a couple of seconds.

For the proper handshake, extend your arm and make web-to-web contact (the area between your thumb and index finger). Grip firmly enough to twist a doorknob, and shake only for a few seconds.


How DECA Can Impact Your Life

DECA is larger than life! I’m not saying that only because DECA is my life, but because they offer so many events to compete in, so many scholarship opportunities to apply to, and so many experiences that become lifelong memories.

I joined DECA for the sake of wanting to learn more about business, and I ended up learning not only that, but also learning more about myself. I found a passion for leading and serving others, and by joining DECA, you can also learn from your fellow chapter members. You can compete alongside your chapter members for the exciting opportunity to advance to the state or even international level! I’ve been to internationals, and let me be the first to tell you that it's 10 times better than what you've heard and seen on social media. It’s incredible.

Obviously, the trips to conferences with friends on school days are great but remember that DECA excites, DECA inspires, and DECA shows its members how to be limitless. Whether or not your career or education path involves business, DECA can still help you along the way because this organization also focuses on building leadership skills and building a community. I’ve been grateful enough to find my best friends through DECA and also work with them on a team in the Community Service Project. Not only do we learn more about business through competitive events and other activities, but it’s a real experience. Joining as a member makes you a part of DECA, but you’ll soon realize that DECA becomes a part of you.



Related Resources:

DECArate Your Resume

Students in my high school are always coming up to and asking me, “Why join DECA?” or “What are the benefits?” As well as a great opportunity for networking and developing leadership skills, DECA is an amazing resume booster and makes your application stand out from the rest. Whether you are applying for a job, college, or scholarship, the mention of DECA speaks to the reviewer. Listed and explained below are four characteristics of a DECA member that employers notice.

Goal Oriented: Showing that you are involved in DECA shows that you are goal oriented and that you think one step ahead. In DECA, you are able to experience different aspects of business and determine which areas you are skilled in, which you enjoy, and don’t enjoy. Taking the opportunity to do so and ask yourself these questions suggests that you are driven and are seeking for something to bring you long term success.

Commitment: On your resume when you show you have dedicated a significant amount of time to a single activity, it shows that you strive for growth and quality. The amount of time you spend on an activity often reflects the quality. Quality and commitment are very important to employers, and being in DECA and competing shows that you have taken time to understand the concepts and to research and practice for your presentation. Your commitment shows them you are passionate and strive for excellence and success.

Emphasizes Real World Experience: Real world connections and professional experience is one of DECA’s greatest benefits. By competing in DECA’s competitive events program, you are familiarizing yourself with concepts related to the field you compete in or study. It allows you to apply what you have learned to other work related situations. Real world experience is the foundation for success and offers so much more than you can get from reading a book or studying in class. DECA not only offers the first hand experience you would miss out on in a normal classroom setting.

Getting a Head Start: Having real world experience not only gives you a strong foundation to start from, but it also give a head start in preparing for your future career. DECA provides limitless opportunities to explore different aspects of business. This allows you to feel around for which aspect or area best suits you.



Related Resources:

Fears of Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of the largest, most well-known fears that has affected many generations of people. I know many people who have such an enormous fear of public speaking, that they have refused to be a part of different organizations, like DECA, because there is a slight chance that they would have to speak in front of others. Throughout my experience in DECA, I have witnessed numerous DECA members that choose not to compete because of public speaking. Even though most DECA member's extent of public speaking consists of presenting in front of a judge, it is a large jump that many members choose not to make. Luckily, there are many different ways to help cope with these fears. To begin, the most important thing to do is practice. It may sound really cliché, but practice makes perfect. For example, a great way to practice not in front of people is to practice in front of a mirror. The more you work on speaking out loud at a loud volume, the more comfortable you get with it. To continue, the more time used to present in front of other people can lower nervousness that arises from being in front of others. There are other methods of relaxation that can calm nerves, such as, meditation, power poses or listening to calming music. The best thing to do is figure out what works for you. Everyone is different and everyone's methods for improving their speaking skills is different.


How To Dress Your DECA Best

A professional appearance is an important aspect to the business world. For this reason, DECA advocates a business professional dress code when competing.

Here are the guidelines for both males and females when appearing before a judge and on stage.


• DECA blazer or similar sports coat/ blazer
• Collared dress shirt
• Neck tie
• Dress slacks
• Dress shoes
• Dress socks


• DECA blazer or business suit
• Dress slacks
• Dress blouse
• Dress shoes

Unacceptable clothing:

• Swimwear
• Athletic wear
• Midriff-baring clothing
• Skin-tight or revealing clothing
• Clothing with inappropriate graphics

It is important to match your colors when dressing up. Here are some suggestions regarding colors.

With the DECA Blazer or other Navy Blazer

• Beige/Khaki slacks with brown belt (if applicable) and brown dress shoes
• Gray slacks with black belt (if applicable) and black dress shoes

With a Black Blazer

• Black slacks, preferably the same shade, with black belt (if applicable) and black dress shoes

Here are some additional tips:

• Make sure your collar looks good
• Don’t wait last minute to tie your tie
• Don’t wear excessive jewelry or accessories
• Go easy on the cologne/perfume
• Remove facial and body piercings
• Keep your hair clean and fresh
• Your belt and shoes should match
• Typically, your arms should be covered up to the wrist
• Keep makeup moderate
• Avoid ankle socks

By following all of these tips and using some common sense, you should be dressed for success!



Related Resources:

How to Maintain a Balance in Your DECA Life

Having a balance in your everyday life is a necessity in order to be successful. This can be very hard, especially for people who are involved in many different activities at school and in their community. It is something everyone has to deal with, and it is important to be aware of the fact that no one is a “superhero” and can do everything at once.

Something that may be useful is to think about quality over quantity. When someone spreads themselves too thin, the quality of work they put out may not be the best. Not only is this an issue, but sometimes this causes stress and a sense of disappointment even though to others, it may seem that the person is thriving. There is a fine line between working hard and working smart. The first and foremost thing someone should be concerned with is their happiness and prioritizing what they actually care about. 

Throughout my high school career, I have figured out that my happiness comes through DECA and band. At first, trying to find a balance was hard, but I have managed to find a system that works for me. DECA is an activity that allows you to receive from it as much as you put into it. Because of this, it is an activity that anyone and everyone can do. I have learned to be able to prioritize my time and know when I will be busy, and through this, I am able to know when I should focus on... either DECA, band, or even academics. 

I used to get very overwhelmed with the amount of work I used to have, especially with my academics, but something that really helped me was writing a list of things I needed to get done each day and crossing them off as the day went on. This allowed me to have a sense of accomplishment each day, as well as it made me more organized. This also helped me feel less overwhelmed because instead of thinking about all the things I had to get done as a whole, I only thought about what was in my control and what I could manage within that day.

This is something that helped me, but of course everyone is different. I encourage you to analyze yourself and find a system that works for you. Balance is a necessity and it is definitely not easy to reach, especially as a high schooler, but with time, it can be done. Don't stress, and remember: have fun in all that you do because time is limited!


Scholarships: Another Amazing Benefit of DECA

DECA provides its members with #Limitless opportunities, however many of these unique offerings are merely overlooked. A little-known fact is that DECA Inc. and Texas DECA offer over a combined $300,000 worth of scholarships to members every year, yet so many students do not realize how easy it is to apply. To better help you understand the scholarship application process, check out this article and the attached resources.

Like mentioned above, Texas DECA offers individual scholarships available only to its members. To apply for the Texas DECA scholarships, members must visit and then visit the “Advisor Resources” page. There, members will click on the “Texas DECA Scholarship Application” tab and complete the application. This application is just a few pages long and asks a handful of short-answer questions regarding the member's involvement with school, DECA, and their community. If selected for an interview, students will be assigned an interview time at their respective District Career Development Conference, and if they are chosen to advance to the next level, they will have a final interview at Texas DECA’s State Career Development Conference. The deadline to submit your application for the Texas DECA Scholarship is Two (2) weeks before your District CDC.

In addition to the scholarships offered by Texas DECA, DECA Inc. provides a plethora of scholarships to all members. To apply for DECA Inc. scholarships, members will create an account on DECA’s scholarship website which can be found here. Once an account has been made, members will fill out a form which collects general information about involvement in school, DECA, and their community. Once this is completed, members will have access to a portal where they can select scholarships which they would like to apply to. From there, applying can be as easy as checking boxes next to interests and hobbies to writing a short essay over career ambitions. After a member has applied for scholarships, DECA Inc. will contact that student with updates on application status. DECA Inc. has provided a neat flowchart that helps students decide which scholarships would be best for them to apply for. The flowchart can be found here. If you have further questions about DECA Inc. Scholarships visit the Frequently Asked Questions page here.

There are so many opportunities to take advantage of in DECA. Applying for DECA scholarships is a great way to earn money for college continue to pursue your goals and dreams after high school.



Related Resources:

Networking at DECA Events

If you are like most new DECA members, then you may be extremely nervous for competition. You are likely trying to remember your performance indicators, marketing concepts, and vocabulary. After all, this is your first time competing against the best high school students in the nation. However, don’t get too caught up in the competition. No doubt: your goal should be to place or even win, but there are other things that are intriguing at DECA competitions and events. It’s important to go out of your comfort zone and explore what the event has to offer.

For one, talk to your fellow competitors and peers. I know it can be daunting speaking to new people (even I, myself, struggle with it at times). However, you never know. Some of these new people could end up being the new faces of DECA. A common phrase is “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” Branching out and meeting new people is always a good way of establishing long-term connections, connections that could end up helping you in the future. And who knows, you may even make a new friend.

Most of the time, even at smaller, local competitions, there are guest speakers who are highly qualified and have real-world experience. It doesn’t hurt to go up to him or her and ask a couple of questions. Once again, it is about who you know. Establishing connections at an early age, especially to highly qualified individuals, is something that not many teenagers can speak of. You could consider creating a LinkedIn account and “connecting” with the guest speakers. Establishing contacts with successful professionals can lead to better career prospects.

Overall, meeting new people, whether they are competitors or professionals, is incredibly important. No form of social media or technology can replace face-to-face interactions. These can lead to endless opportunities, especially later in life. Just stand up, walk up to the person, and introduce yourself. These skills, though difficult to master, will set you up for success in the future.