Bring a Friend Challenge


Double your chapter’s reach on your campus!

Host a chapter meeting and challenge each of your members to BRING A FRIEND who is not a member of DECA yet.

challenge deadline: October 15, 2023

To get recognized at the Texas DECA State Career Development Conference and receive a ribbon for each of your members, follow the steps below!

  1. Promote your event. (use one of the pre-made flyers linked below for easy promotion!)

  2. HOST your Bring A Friend Meeting where each of your current members brings a friend. (check out some suggested meeting activities below)

  3. POST a photo of your meeting on social media and tag @texasdeca.

  4. SHARE your event with Texas DECA! Using the link below, submit a photo of your promotional materials, a photo of the event + a description of your event!

    Chapters that submit their efforts as part of the Bring a Friend Challenge will receive a custom ribbon for all attendees State Conference in March!


Suggested ‘bring a friend meeting’ activities: